Tuesday, 7 September 2010

I am back... yet again!

Ok so i've said this before... I get lazy and don't blog, and that I am back... but then I am sucked back into the deep-dark world of laziness all over again... hopefully I have cured myself of this disease & hopefully I am back for good! :)

So I am obsessed with reading blogs, amongst other things like carrying my camera and my Hubby wherever I go ;-) And I often read about this and that and want to blog, but why is it that I am never around a laptop then or choose to sit a few feet away from it, so I don't have to think too much and type... I wonder why?! ;-) But I plan to make this space a bit more interesting for those of you who would still care to follow my thoughts, opinions and adventures!

What have I been up to since I last blogged... well lots and I will try to get to all of it (realistically some of it ;-)) as I continue to blog about recent activities on a regular basis!

Cheers :)


  1. Hey - good to have ya back. Keep the ball rolling now. And guess what - am stepping into the realm of bloggers too. Of course it took a techie fiance to get me to take the plunge ;-), but ur inspiration is vital too. So keep blogging my dear and it would keep me motivated to do it too :-)

  2. Thanks dear :) Yes, fingers crossed i won't get lazy again... very tempting to though ;-) hehe... and I look fwd to reading some blog posts from you!


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