Wednesday, 29 September 2010 LoVe with Mr Darcy

Ok so I have been in LoVe with Mr Darcy from Pride & Prejudice ever since I read the book ages ago... and since I saw the 1995 BBC adaptation, (it would be reasonable to understand that) I have been in LoVe with Colin Firth ~ who played Mr Darcy... I watch any and every movie of his and must have watched P&P a million times (and counting) ;-)

So you can imagine how excited and disappointed I am today when I found out he lives only minutes from where I live! His wife's shop is one I frequent all the time and probably walk by his house all the time as well (only if I knew exactly which one)... and not once have I bumped into him :( Come on Mr Darcy, you can't hide from me forever... I'll find you one of these days ;-)

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Mila's Daydreams!

I came across this beautiful picture Blog, "Mila's Daydreams" of a new mom, who tries to imagine & capture her daughters dreams while she sleeps. What a genius & unique idea and oh so inspiring... just had to share. Everyone put your thinking cap on and take those unique & beautiful pictures, always make it fun fun fun! :)

Can't get enough of this Blog it's just too cute!

Monday, 13 September 2010

I'd rather be sleeping....zzzzZ!

Ok, so it's a little late... really late to be exact! I much rather be sleeping myself but my lower back went into spasm earlier today and I am in way to much pain and discomfort to sleep just yet. Plus I took some medicine and a nap in the evening hence no more sleep left in my eyes...

Not to worry, I am sure i'll be as good as new in a day or two with some rest :)

Considering I am up with not much I can do except sit straight and still, I thought I'd blog :) I have a huge stash of (never ending) pictures saved for ideas and inspiration which I go through from time to time, and as I was just browsing through a few I delightfully stumbled upon some treasures I had to share. These are a few candid portraits of very famous people that I simply love... well in most cases the people yes I do like/love... but more importantly these portraits are simply gorgeous!

Enjoy :)

Above: Julie Andrews

Above: Madhubala

Above: JFK & Jacqueline Kennedy

Above: Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, 8 September 2010


Victoria Station, Bombay

One of my fav Blogs is Design Sponge... I follow it religiously on a daily basis and today I was very pleasantly surprised to see a city guide post on Mumbai :) It's been one of my fav cities for a long long time... Dad used to sail in and out of this big-mad-beautiful city all the time and Mom & I would often join his ship in Bombay (as I knew it then), so I got to spend a lot of time there growing up! And some of my favorite family members used to live there & we often visit them there as well (Masi, Uncle, Dolly & Nikki)... loads of fun and many wonderful memories :)

I often find myself missing the city, even craving it at times. It does remind me of home when ever I think of my time there many many years ago.

Some excellent suggestions on the post for those who might be planning on a trip to Mumbai!


Tuesday, 7 September 2010

I am back... yet again!

Ok so i've said this before... I get lazy and don't blog, and that I am back... but then I am sucked back into the deep-dark world of laziness all over again... hopefully I have cured myself of this disease & hopefully I am back for good! :)

So I am obsessed with reading blogs, amongst other things like carrying my camera and my Hubby wherever I go ;-) And I often read about this and that and want to blog, but why is it that I am never around a laptop then or choose to sit a few feet away from it, so I don't have to think too much and type... I wonder why?! ;-) But I plan to make this space a bit more interesting for those of you who would still care to follow my thoughts, opinions and adventures!

What have I been up to since I last blogged... well lots and I will try to get to all of it (realistically some of it ;-)) as I continue to blog about recent activities on a regular basis!

Cheers :)

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

~Jungle Book - Theme Song~

Gosh! Yet another piece of my childhood and cherished memories... I simply LOVE this song and still sing it all the time... hehehe :)

~Ek Anek~

Came across this video on You Tube and it brought back beautiful childhood memories :) Doordarshan rocked! And now that I look back at this video... what a fantastic job they did... a must watch for all. I am sure it will bring a smile to your face and you'll be a child again, sitting in front of your parents TV back home in India! :)

Monday, 11 January 2010

I am back... and what an amusing day!

It's been a while since I have blogged... a bit too long and I am afraid only my laziness is to blame! I keep thinking I need to blog this and that, but never get around to writing it down... well enough is enough... I need to get off my lazy blogging bum and start writing again ;-) So here is getting off my butt and starting a new year/decade by blogging again! First of all a very Happy 2010 to everyone!!! :)

So much has happened since I last blogged and I will slowly update you all on our activities and adventures. But what made me come back today, is rather very interesting and amusing, and I just had to share it with everyone... as it put me in fits of laughter!!

My baby brother called me from India earlier today, he is 4 years younger to me (Sanbir AKA Chotey Miya). It had been a while since we chatted, and he had something fun to share/update me on. I was recently in India (December'09) attending my cousins wedding... and Sanbir and I were both as always together having fun and hanging around with the family (I am very close to my baby brother), and needless to say had loads of fun!! Well he called me to tell me he has been getting many calls from his school/college friends congratulating him on his recent engagement!! Of course he (and now I) was shocked & surprised to hear of this unknown development... when he asked what made everyone think of such a think he got the same reply from one and all... we saw you & your fiancee recent pictures on Facebook!! My brother and I had clicked many pictures together and he posted one of our pics as his profile picture a couple of days ago... so everyone 'jumped' to the conclusion and thought we both are engaged.... hahahahaha... when he told me this over the phone, we both just could not stop laughing!! I have asked him to leave the picture on his profile to see who else calls and what conclusions people come too ;-) So amusing... LOL

Well at least I was very happy to hear I was being matched up with a young and handsome 24 year old... so I feel very young today :o) Thank you my dear baby brother for making me laugh so much!!

(The picture in question)

The other incident which happened this evening when I went to our local grocery store... one of the check out ladies whom I meet often smiled and said hello as I went to her counter and then enquired... you are usually here with your brother, he didn't come today, so I just smiled and said he is my husband not my brother. To which she added "oh really, you both look so alike"... LOL... so i just continued to smile and wanted to burst out laughing! Being linked up with my baby brother and being called my husbands sister, all in one day... what an amusing day ;-) I guess I should have told the check out lady, when two people are so much in love they look alike ;-)

I just had to share the amusement with you all!! :)
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