Sunday, 1 February 2009

Let it snow!!!

After two cold winters in London, I finally get to see some real snow :D Yipeee!!!!

As mentioned in the earlier blog I am not a huge fan of cold freezing temperatures, but when it comes to snow... I am a total baby... love it!! We have experienced what I call, drizzle snowed, tiny snow flakes fall but not enough for them to collect on the ground, but today is a different story, it's cold and it's been snowing, on and off all day and there is snow on the streets, cars, lawns... everywhere, it's all white... it's beautiful :) We have snow in London, which doesn't happen to often and it's magnificent!!  Here are some shots we've been taking from the confines of our warm flat ;)

My heart is singing... let it snow, let it snow, let it snow... snow snow :)


  1. oh! wow! I love it when its snowing...but not when its starts to melt though! You gotta get out there and collect enough to make a reminds me of a v deadly snow fight i once had with my friends vs Rohit's in

  2. haha... sounds like fun sis... how about coming here and we'll have a snow fight! ;) and build a snowman too :D
    oh it's so beautiful outside.... magnificent!!
    I am just loving this snow for now ;-)


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