Thursday, 15 January 2009

Ellen Bollywood Style!

Thanks to Mala, I discovered this video!

The cast of Slumdog Millionaire show Ellen some Bollywood dance moves to A.R. Rahman's, Jai Ho!! Brilliant... loved it :o)


  1. Too good! Finally watched the movie last night & loved the way Boyle has entertwined Jamal's struggles with the Millionaire show. What a genius!

  2. Totally agree Sis... brilliant story & movie... the cinematography is amazing!! and i am so happy for the hype and awards the stars and the movie is receiving :)

  3. I cracked up watching Ellen and her crew dance...ha..ha...

  4. love Ellen and all the goofy stuff she does on her show all the time... loved her bollywood dance... the entire set was dancing... it was hilarious... simply brilliant!


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